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Filter Solutions Inc. is a leading manufacturer of Bag filter and Cartridge filter Housings, Strainers, Separators, and related process filtration equipment. They offer complete system design, engineering and manufacturing.

Featured Product Lines 

Bag Filter Housings 

FS 20 (#3) and FS 40 (#4) flow rates up to 40 GPM

FS 90 (#1 and FS 180 (#2) flow rates up to 180 GPM 

SED and DFS (Duplexed) flow rates up to 360 GPM 

MULTI-BAG flow rates up to 1080 GPM 

Cartridge and High Flow Filter Housing

1 Round Models- Single cartridge model with accelerated flow rates 

High Flow Models- higher flow rates in a wide range of particle retention options

Multiple Element Designs- Standard design is ASME Code stamped. Multiple element design allows for higher flow rates and capabilities to meet your specifically engineered temperature and or pressure requirements.


Skid Packages 

Design Benefits

Portable design–  self-contained units built within frames, skids or trailers. Portable and easy to transport. 

Small footprint –  Equipment layering, allows piping, tanks and ancillary process equipment to be fit into a smaller footprint. 

Localized process connections – process connections can be centralized into one spot on the skid, making connections easier.

Controlled assembly – Skid Pachages are built in quality controlled environment on-site at Filter Solutions. 

Let us review your application details: Application Data Sheet 

How can we help you? | 763-541-9711 |  

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